Michelle McCool Bio

Michelle McCool competed in the 2004 RAW diva contest but didn't last too long, she was the 4th one eliminated. Even though that didn't go the way she planned WWE still saw something in her and in November of 2004 she was signed to a three year contract. She came to SMACKDOWN as a face and a personal trainer and unlike many WWE divas she was really inspired to the wrestling part of the business. She wrestled in a couple matches and feuded with Dawn Marie and Melina. She actually fought Melina in Melina's first ever match, after that match we didn't see McCool again in the WWE for almost a year. She was then sent to DSW, a developmental facility and then was sent to OVW. In June of 2006 she came back to the WWE this time as a heel and her gimmick was that of a teacher (her real life profession before wrestling). In April of 2007 she became face again when she aided Ashley who was being attacked by Jillian Hall. She was then in a feud with Victoria after insulting Victoria's boyfriend Kenny Dykstra. She has been a good friend to Chuck Palumbo and escorts him to his matches but lately their relationship has been on the rocks thanks to Jamie Noble who is infatuated with Michelle. MIchelle ended up going on a date with Noble after Noble won the date by beating Chuck Palumbo in a match. Michelle started to feel a soft spot for Jamie and later tried to make a triple team of herself, Jamie Noble and Chuck Palumbo. Noble and Palumbo hated each other but would try to get along in front of Michelle. On the 01-25-08 Smackdown the triple team had a match in which Noble and Palumbo would get into an argument. Michelle tried to stop the nonsense but was betrayed by Chuck Palumbo who threw her to the ground. Michelle McCool then started appearing on Jamie Noble's side of the ring as Palumbo became a heel and Noble a face. On the April 4, 2007 edition of Smackdown Michelle was announced as the winner of the Smackdown diva contest, a competition that had been going on for weeks. She began feuding with Victoria (one of the diva competitors who got eliminated) who is really angry that Michelle won the contest. Then Victoria had a new friend and partner who came to Smackdown named Natalya. Natalya quickly began a vital enemy of Michelle.

Michelle McCool Facts:

Birth Name: Michelle Leigh McCool
Birth Date: January 25, 1980
Height: 5' ft 10' in
Finishing move: Spinning Backbreaker